A Proof of Goodstein’s Theorem without Transfinite numbers
Page last updated 06 Feb 2025
A 1944 paper by Reuben Goodstein
Reuben Louis Goodstein, PDF On the restricted ordinal theorem, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 9, 1944, no. 2, pp. 33-41.
includes a definition of a sequence of numbers which are now referred to as Goodstein sequences, and the paper introduces a proposition, now known as Goodstein’s theorem, which asserts that every Goodstein sequence terminates by reaching a value of zero. Goodstein claimed to prove this using the notion of sequences of transfinite ordinals, and several similar papers have been published since.
▪ Reuben Louis Goodstein, Transfinite ordinals in recursive number theory, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 12.4, 1947, pp 123‑129.
▪ A. Cichon, PDF A short proof of two recently discovered independence results using recursion theoretic methods, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 87, 1983, pp 704‑706.
▪ Andrés Eduardo Caicedo, PDF Goodstein’s function, Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas 41, 2007, no. 2, pp. 381‑391.
▪ Sarah Winkler, Harald Zankl, and Aart Middeldorp, PDF Beyond Peano arithmetic - Automatically proving termination of the Goodstein sequence, 24th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, RTA 2013, Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2013.
▪ Michael Rathjen, PDF Goodstein’s theorem revisited, Gentzen’s Centenary, Springer, 2015, pp. 229‑242.
▪ A. Leonardis, G. d’Atri, F. Caldarola, PDF A geometrical proof for generalized Goodstein’s theorem, Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithmsm NUMTA 2019, 67.
▪ Henry Towsner, PDF Goodstein’s Theorem, ε0, and unprovability, unpublished notes, 2020.
▪ A. Leonardis, G. D’atri, E. Zanardo, PDF Goodstein’s Generalized Theorem: From Rooted Tree Representations To The Hydra Game, J. Applied Math. & Informatics Vol 40.5-6, 2022, pp 883‑896.
In a paper of 1982, Laurie Kirby and Jeff Paris state that there is a proposition that is an expression of Peano arithmetic that asserts that a Goodstein sequence must terminate, but that this proposition cannot be proved within Peano arithmetic.
Laurie Kirby and Jeff Paris, PDF Accessible independence results for Peano arithmetic, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 1982, pp. 285-293.
Some people believe that the proposition cannot be proved at all except by the use of transfinite numbers.
For example, in Chapter 10 of An Outline of Set Theory by James M Henle, Courier Corporation, 2007:
“…37 years after Goodstein’s proof appeared, L. Kirby and J. Paris proved that the use of infinite sets is actually necessary. That is, this is a theorem of arithmetic that can’t be proved arithmetically, but only by using the extra powers of set theory!”
However, since a Goodstein sequence is a reversible well-defined algorithmic process without any choice or any randomness, Reversibility: given the information regarding any single term of a Goodstein sequence, all of the other terms of the sequence both prior and subsequent to that term are completely determined. Note that this is different to cases such as the Collatz conjecture where the same term can occur in multiple different Collatz sequences. it might be expected that a resolution of the nature of its iterative development should be susceptible to a mechanistic analysis of that algorithmic process, and this turns out to be the case. The method of the proof presented here can be viewed in a manner similar to an engineering perspective, by a consideration that the iterations of the Goodstein sequence can be imagined as operations on a modifiable rotary counter mechanism, which can be conceived as a rotary counter similar to those that were used in cars before digital screens took over that function, but where additional wheels can be added and where the wheels can be made bigger to include extra numerical digits.

This gives an insight into the nature of these algorithmic processes and leads directly to an elementary proof of Goodstein’s theorem without any reference to transfinite induction or transfinite numbers.
Details of the Goodstein sequence
Hereditary Base Notation
Our standard notation for numbers that is almost universally used is positional notation in base 10, where the position of a digit symbol indicates its value within the overall number, where, for example, we write 76020 instead of writing
The rules governing the iterations of the Goodstein sequence require that every natural number is referred to in terms of what is called “hereditary base
in hereditary base
in hereditary base
The only symbols allowed in such representation are the symbols for the base number
Defining a Goodstein sequence
A Goodstein sequence is formed by the repeated application of two steps:
- A new number is given by increasing the numerical value of the base by
1 . This means that the numerical value of every occurrence of the symbolb is increased by1 . - Then subtract
1 from the number that results from Step 1.
This gives the next number in the sequence.
For the application of these two steps, the number must always be in the correct hereditary base notation. This may mean it has to be reformulated between steps so that there is no negation symbol present. For example:
Initial number: | |
After adding one to the base 3: | |
After subtraction of one: |
The fascinating thing about Goodstein sequences is how quickly the numbers become mind-bogglingly enormous. For a simple example, let’s take a number that we would consider small, such as the number 15 in standard base 10 notation, which is
Standard notation | Hereditary base notation |
15 | 22+1 + 22 + 2 + 1 |
111 | 33+1 + 33 + 3 |
1283 | 44+1 + 44 + 3 |
18752 | 55+1 + 55 + 2 |
326593 | 66+1 + 66 + 1 |
6588344 | 77+1 + 77 |
150994943 | 88+1 + 7·87 + 7·86 + 7·85 + 7·84 + 7·83 + 7·82 + 7·8 + 7 |
3524450280 | 99+1 + 7·97 + 7·96 + 7·95 + 7·94 + 7·93 + 7·92 + 7·9 + 6 |
and after another four iterations, we have:
1313+1 + 7·137 + 7·136 + 7·135 + 7·134 + 7·133 + 7·132 + 7·13 + 6
which, in standard base 10 positional notation, is:
These numbers keep growing and growing, and yet eventually, if the theorem is correct, they must at some point start becoming smaller and terminate at zero. That is what we shall prove here, for any possible starting number and base.
Positional Notation with Positions for Zero
Note that in the above examples, in standard positional numerical notation there can be some positions where there is a zero symbol, whereas in the hereditary base notation, with a number such as
we obtain:
which, while it is not true hereditary base notation, leads to the idea that we can use the concept of positional notation to track the changes across the iterations of a sequence, where each position has a related numeral - from here on, we will refer to such symbols as “multipliers”, and we will always show the
Position: | … | … | ||||||||
Multiplier: | … | … |
where for each
and after Step 1 of an iteration we have:
and after Step 2 of the iteration with subtraction by 1 the result is:
which corresponds precisely to the result previously obtained for the example above. Note that Step 1 of the iteration results in two additional positions with zero multipliers (
The reason for using this special type of positional notation lies in the fact that by this notation every position is always referenced and every multiplier is always referenced regardless of whether its value is zero or

Referring again to a conceptual correspondence between a Goodstein sequence and a modifiable rotary counter, one can visualize that Step 1 of an iteration corresponds to enlarging each wheel and adding an extra numeral while retaining the currently displayed numeral. It will also be shown below that at Step 1 additional wheels may be added at particular locations between the existing wheels and all such additional wheels will have their initial display as the numeral zero. Then Step 2 corresponds to reversing the drive to the counter, starting at the rightmost wheel. If the rightmost wheel is not reading zero, the wheel turns backward to display the next smaller digit numeral. On the other hand, if the rightmost wheel reads zero, the wheel turns backward to display the largest digit numeral (the current base less
Of course, in reality such a mechanical device and its wheels would rapidly become unfeasibly enormous, but it is a principle that provides a conceptual basis for a proof. This enables a proof that can be presented in a straightforward manner that provides a nice insight as to why the sequence must terminate and at the same time is logically rigorous.
Unitary Decrementation
Before we proceed further, we clarify one aspect regarding Step 2 of an iteration - the subtraction of 1 from the multiplier of the rightmost position
In order to avoid undue verbosity, we shall from this point forward simply refer to this operation as “Unitary Decrementation”.
Incrementation of a multiplier
We can at this point note some fundamental principles:
- No multiplier can increase at Step 1 of an iteration.
- A multiplier
m can increase at some Step 2 of an iteration if and only if;m is zero, and all multipliers to the right of it are all zero after Step 1 of an iteration. Note that this means that there must be a non-zero multiplier to the left of the position ofm .- the first non-zero multiplier
n that is to the left of the multiplierm must decrease by1 m increases to the value of the current base minus1 .
- From the above principles, it follows that the leftmost multiplier can never increase.
At this point we shall first examine some specific cases, as doing so helps to create a clear picture of what happens over the iterations of a sequence.
Case 1: Exponents less than b
First we consider a number where, in our positional notation, all the exponents of the positions are less than the base number. At every iteration, for each position the numerical value of the base
… | … | ||||||
… | … |
As noted previously the above is not in strict hereditary base notation since we have minus signs, but we can nevertheless apply the Goodstein rules as if it were in that notation. This means that the numerical value of a term such as
… | … | ||||||
… | … |
It can be seen that each exponent, although its actual value is unchanged, is expressed in the above notation by a different term. In the same way, the multiplier values have not changed, and the quantity of positions has not changed.
Step 2 of the iteration is the subtraction of 1 from the number given by Step 1 of the iteration. If the rightmost multiplier
… | … | ||||||
… | … |
As long as the rightmost multiplier of
… | … | ||||||
… | … |
This is the same general case as the original starting case except that the multiplier of
This principle applies similarly for each of the multipliers, so that at some iteration the numerical value of the leftmost multiplier must decrease by
Similarly, at some later iteration, the new leftmost non-zero multiplier must become zero at some iteration, and since this must apply to all multipliers and no new positions are generated, at some iteration all multipliers must become zero, and the sequence must terminate.
Case 2: Exponents b or less
Now we look at a number where the leftmost position has the position value of
… | … | |||||||
… | … |
This time, unlike the previous case, every iteration creates a new position, which is
… | … | ||||||||
… | … |
The reason for this is that at the initial leftmost position (
… | … | ||||||||
… | … | ||||||||
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | |
… | … | ||||||||
… | … |
In this way, every iteration produces an extra new position with a zero multiplier. The additional positions with zero multipliers remain zero unless all of the positions to the right of these additional positions become zero. As in the previous case (Case 1) an iteration must be reached when all the multipliers to the right of the
For that case, Step 1 of the next iteration increases the value of the base
At Step 2 of that iteration, the multiplier of the
We now have the same general case as the original starting case (all exponents
It follows that there must be some iteration after finitely many iterations where the multiplier of the
“b -exponents” positions
It can also be noted at this point that for any position, by the definition of the Goodstein sequence, the expression for that position in terms of
By the definition of the Goodstein sequence, it follows that a
Case 3: Exponents b to 2b - 1
It can be readily seen that, for the part of a number that has these positions, no new positions are created at an iteration. From the tables below, we can see that for the initial positions for the positions
… | … | |||||
… | … |
after the change of base by Step 1 of an iteration we will have:
… | … | |||||
… | … |
As in the above tables, both before and after the iteration, each exponent is exactly 1 greater than at the position to its right.
Note that
It follows that for this part of a number, an iteration does not create any new positions. As for the previous case, after finitely many iterations,
We now have the same general case for this part of the number as the original starting case, except that the multiplier of
Case 4: Exponents b to 2b
This is similar to Case 2, with this part of a number as:
… | … | ||||||
… | … |
and after the change of base by Step 1 of an iteration we have:
… | … | |||||||
… | … |
and again, at each iteration, one position is added immediately to the right of the position
And, as noted in Case 3, the part of the number covered by Case 3 must at Step 1 of some iteration have all its multipliers as zero, it follows that at Step 2 of the next iteration, the multiplier of that position
The General case
By now, the reader will probably see how the above leads to the conclusion that every Goodstein sequence must terminate. To be more precise, we can now generalize the above; Case 2 and Case 4 are instances of segments between two consecutive “
Note that at Step 1 of an iteration multiple positions can be added to the immediate right of a
Hence Case 2 and Case 4 are specific instances of the general case, which is that the addition of any finite quantity of new positions with zero multipliers at any iteration to the immediate right of any position
In general, there are two situations, where the leftmost position
Extended Goodstein sequences
The above only considered cases where the base
The straightforward non-choice reversible algorithmic nature of the definition of the Goodstein sequence allows for a purely mechanistic proof of termination by the principles of propositional logic applied to the numerical properties of a sequence of numbers. It is of course the case that, for any system that can actually evaluate algorithms and which has a finite maximal number of variables, there can always be some initial number where such a system cannot hold all the values needed to calculate the value of every multiplier at every position for every iteration. However, such information is not required to prove that the general case that such a sequence must terminate. In the above, only a finite number of assertions of existence were required, and the proof does not require the calculation of any specific values, only the assertion that for some variables there exists a natural number that satisfies certain conditions pertaining to that variable, and these assertions follow from fundamental numerical properties.
As noted in the introduction, it is claimed that there is a proposition that is an expression of Peano arithmetic that asserts that a Goodstein sequence must terminate, and that this proposition cannot be proved within Peano arithmetic. This has given rise in some quarters to a belief that there are some statements about natural numbers that are true but can only be proven by the use of transfinite number theory, and that the proposition that every Goodstein sequence terminates is one such statement
For example, in Chapter 10 of An Outline of Set Theory by James M Henle, Courier Corporation, 2007:
“…37 years after Goodstein’s proof appeared, L. Kirby and J. Paris proved that the use of infinite sets is actually necessary. That is, this is a theorem of arithmetic that can’t be proved arithmetically, but only by using the extra powers of set theory!” - but the above demonstrates that this is not the case.
This is hardly surprising if one examines the assumptions underlying the “proof ”of Goodstein’s theorem by the use of transfinite ordinal numbers. It is based on the notion that an infinitely decreasing sequence cannot exist - that is, the notion is that if one starts at infinity, and repeatedly subtract finite values, then eventually you end up at zero. But that is logically absurd - given the continued repetition of subtracting one from infinity, where is the unit step from infinity to some finite number? Note that we can choose any finite number - it makes no difference to the principles involved if we choose the value one for convenience. There cannot be any such step, since that would imply that infinity (a limitlessly large value) is exactly one greater than some finite number, which is an impossibility and an absurdity. Now, there are those who attempt to evade this contradiction by claiming that there are limitlessly many such repeated subtractions. But that is simply lumping all the subtractions together into one value - a limitlessly large value, so that the claim is not actually referring to the repeated subtraction of one, where there would have to be some specific step where a limitlessly large value steps to a finite value (which, as already noted, is impossible), but instead it is referring to the subtraction of a limitlessly large value from a limitlessly large value, which is a completely different scenario.
In summary, we can note that not only is it the case that, as Solomon Feferman remarked:
“The necessary use of higher set theory in mathematics of the finite has yet to be established. Furthermore, a case can be made that higher set theory is dispensable in scientifically applicable mathematics … Put in other terms: the actual infinite is not required for the mathematics of the physical world.” As in ‘Infinity in Mathematics: Is Cantor Necessary?’, in Philosophical Topics 17.2 (1989): 23-45.
and neither is it required to prove that all Goodstein sequences terminate.
Rationale: Every logical argument must be defined in some language, and every language has limitations. Attempting to construct a logical argument while ignoring how the limitations of language might affect that argument is a bizarre approach. The correct acknowledgment of the interactions of logic and language explains almost all of the paradoxes, and resolves almost all of the contradictions, conundrums, and contentious issues in modern philosophy and mathematics.
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