The Balls in the Urn Paradox (Ross–Littlewood)
Page last updated 08 Jun 2021
This paradox was originally described by mathematician John Littlewood in his 1953 book Littlewood’s Miscellany, (Footnote: John Edensor Littlewood, A mathematician’s miscellany, London Methuen, 1953.) and was also included by Sheldon Ross in his 1988 book A First Course in Probability. (Footnote: Sheldon Ross, A First Course in Probability 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014 )
The question as posed in Ross’s book is:
Suppose that there is an infinitely large urn and an infinite collection of balls each labeled with a unique number, 1, 2, 3, … . Consider the following process:
At 60 seconds before noon, balls numbered 1 through 10 are placed in the urn and ball number 10 is withdrawn. (we assume that the withdrawal takes no time.) At 30 seconds before noon, balls numbered 11 through 20 are placed in the urn and ball number 20 is withdrawn. At 15 seconds before noon, balls numbered 21 through 30 are placed in the urn and ball number 30 is withdrawn. And so on, and so on…
The question is: How many balls are in the urn at noon?
Ross says that the answer is clear, and is what most people would say - there is an infinite number of balls in the urn. This is in accordance with most people’s intuition, based on the fact that at each step more balls are added than are being removed.
Muddying the waters: Round 1
However, the question is now extended to the situation where at step 1, balls 1 through 10 are inserted into the vase, and ball number 1 is then removed. And at step 2, balls 11 through 20 are inserted, and ball 2 is then removed. And so on.
According to Ross & Littlewood, every ball labeled
It’s easy to see the fallacy. (Footnote:
Whether the balls are numbered or not is irrelevant. One could just as easily set the balls out in a line when putting the balls into the urn (the urn is infinitely large anyway) and simply remove according to the position on the line. Then the balls are completely identical, and it now means that the claim is now that it makes a difference to the result depending on where in the line you remove the ball from!)
The process is an infinite unending process that is not completed (the reference to time in the description is a red herring, see Time as a red herring below). Because it is an infinite unending process, to make a calculation requires applying a limiting condition. Since the value in the problem which does not reach a finite endpoint value is
So what value are we going to calculate as
And we can also calculate the number of balls removed as
Of course, the problem is that we cannot assign any number to any ball. But this simply demonstrates that there is not necessarily a valid limit state for every definition that involves some reference to infinite quantities. In the case of the balls, it is clear that at each iteration, the total quantity of balls in the urn increases. Hence the notion that, even though at every iteration the numbers of balls in the urn increases without limit, the limit state is an urn with no balls is simply absurd. There simply is no valid limit state. (Footnote: In an actual physical situation, each ball would have to become bigger and bigger as the iterations proceed, in order that a number can be physically imprinted in some way on the ball. So if there could be a limit state, each ball would have to be infinitely large, and the urn would have to be infinitely large and at the same time larger than the collection of infinitely many infinitely large balls. This is a contradiction, since it requires a limitlessly large entity to be larger than the combined size of infinitely many limitlessly large entities. Of course, there can be no actual physical situation where there are infinitely many infinitely large balls.)
On the other hand, a definition of a set, without any physical situation, consisting of all subsets {n to n + 9} less all subsets {n} defines a total of zero elements. This is simply a completely different definition, and it does not entail any unending algorithmic loop.
The Duplicate Urn
Another way to see the fallacy in Ross’s argument is given by the following;
Consider the case where there is another urn B.
After each step more balls are added to urn B so that it has the same number of balls as the original urn. We note that at every step more balls are put into the original urn than are removed from it, so at every step more balls are added to urn B.
So after the first step, urn B has 9 balls, after the next step it has 18 balls, and after the next step it has 27 balls, and so on. Each time urn B has 9 more balls than at the previous step.
So, what does the urn B contain at noon?
It can’t be an empty urn, since no balls are ever removed from urn B. And if the urn B can’t be an empty urn, neither can the original one.
Muddying the waters: Time as a red herring
It is a fallacy to believe that the definition means that the “time” noon is reached. But the process, by definition, never completes - there are infinitely many steps.
So ask the question: Does the definition define that noon is reached?
Answer: No, it doesn’t.
Part of the problem is that people think of the word “time” where it occurs in the problem as though it is real physical time, but where there is no limit to how small it can be sub-divided. While the problem is posed in terms of real physical balls and real physical urns, the fact is that the time intervals become impossibly small for any real physical manipulating of the balls, regardless of how small the balls are. And so, in the problem, time is simply a hypothetical mathematical dimension, where one can think of it in the same way as a physical length, and one can see that the “time noon” is never reached by the process - the definition only defines that it comes closer and closer without being reached. To understand this, we can consider the situation in terms of a dimension of distance instead of a dimension of time with its associated intuitive aspects.
So, suppose we have the situation where an elf, with urn in hand, advances the tip of his toes to a specific distance at each step that he moves. For the first step he moves half a unit, for the next step a quarter unit, for the next step an eighth of a unit, and so on.
Every step that he takes has an associated number, as each step is numbered as 1, 2, 3, … , and every number is associated with some step. Now, none of the steps is the step where the tips of the elf’s toes actually reach one unit. So where does the notion come from that the elf actually reaches a distance of one unit? There is no step that actually reaches that point, and the notion that it does is absurd nonsense. On the other hand the notion that the limiting value of the distance moved by the elf is one unit - and which is never actually attained - is perfectly logical.
Of course, we acknowledge that in our perception of the world we live in, time continues and does not stop. So when the original problem is posed in terms of time, there is a tendency to intuitively assume that in the problem time progresses exactly as it does in real life. But intuition should never take precedence over logic.
Asking how many balls will be left at noon invites one to assume that there is no contradiction between the definition given and the assumption that noon can be reached by the definition.
The paradox is a result of an inherent contradiction in the question that is asked. The fact that most people answer that there will be infinitely many balls in the urn is simply because they assume that the poser of the question intended it to be meaningful, and this response is the best way of dealing with the contradiction that results from that assumption.
Muddying the waters: Round 2
In his book, Ross muddies the waters even further by considering if the choice of which ball removed at each step is completely random, and calculating the probability of a ball of number
On the other hand, for any ball, the probability that there is some step
Ross takes that probability of 0 for one ball, and applies it to all the balls, and comes up with a result that the total probability that for every ball, there is no step at which it is not removed is also 0. Again an outstandingly obvious result.
The paradox only arises when Ross takes this simple statement and twists the meaning to read:
“The probability that the urn is not empty at 12 PM is 0.”
Where does Ross rake up this conclusion from? Where in his equations is there any mention of time, or 12 PM or noon?
Nowhere in his equations is there any mention of time in any form whatsoever, see the Appendix below. All they refer to is the probability of a ball being removed at some step in a limitless recursive process that never terminates. Ross’s equations are simply a sham facade that have absolutely nothing to do with Ross’s promotion of a Platonist agenda that an infinite process can in some way “finish”. He might as well have said:
“The probability that the urn is not empty when the limitlessly recursive process finishes is 0.”
It is interesting that there is a substantial discussion of the paradox at StackExchange: Balls in an urn where there is intense debate about the equations - there is one respondent who hits the nail on the head, see What’s the best explanation we can give to them to solve these conflicting intuitions? It is also interesting that it has been given hardly any up-votes, the voters preferring instead to wallow in Platonist fantasy land. These Platonists mock other people if they prefer their own intuition over the pseudo-mathematical arguments that these Platonists present, but the irony is that the Platonists’ own arguments involve their intuitive belief that the infinite process terminates.
You could just as easily ask the probability that, for any ball of number
And more…
For another example of a contradiction arising from the notion that an infinitely recursive process can somehow “complete”, see The Platonist Rod paradox.
Other paradoxes
Appendix: Sheldon Ross’s equations
The following is from Example 6a, Probability and a paradox in Chapter 2 Axioms of Probability, in Sheldon Ross’s book A First Course in Probability 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014: PDF A First Course in Probability
[To understand this equation, just note that if ball number 1 is still to be in the urn after the first
Now, the event that ball number 1 is in the urn at 12 PM (Footnote:
In fact these symbols make no reference whatsoever to 12 PM, nor to time in any form. What they actually refer to is the totality of events where
Because the events
We now show that
this is equivalent to showing that
Now, for all
Hence, letting
Thus, letting
(For instance, the same reasoning shows that
Therefore, the probability that the urn is not empty at 12 PM (Footnote:
Again, we must note that these equations make no reference whatsoever to 12 PM, nor to time in any form. What they actually refer to is the total probability of events where there is not a step
by Boole’s inequality. Thus, with probability 1, the urn will be empty at 12 PM. (Footnote: Yet again, it must be stressed that the above equations make no reference whatsoever to 12 PM, nor to time in any form.)
Rationale: Every logical argument must be defined in some language, and every language has limitations. Attempting to construct a logical argument while ignoring how the limitations of language might affect that argument is a bizarre approach. The correct acknowledgment of the interactions of logic and language explains almost all of the paradoxes, and resolves almost all of the contradictions, conundrums, and contentious issues in modern philosophy and mathematics.
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