Halbach & Zhang’s ‘Yablo without Gödel’
In an article entitled ‘Yablo Without Gödel’ Volker Halbach, and Shuoying Zhang, PDF Yablo without Gödel. Analysis, 77(1), 53-59, 2016. in the journal Analysis, Analysis is published quarterly by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Analysis Trust, see also the Wikipedia entry. Halbach & Zhang claim that they can generate the Yablo paradox Stephen Yablo. PDF Paradox Without Self-Reference, Analysis 53 (4): pages 251-252. 1993. without using any circularity or self-reference, and without using methods such as the diagonal lemma or Gödel numbering.
However, they make a ridiculous assumption that renders their claim of a proof utterly laughable. It is also rather amusing that the journal Analysis proudly proclaims on their website that it is the “most established and esteemed journal for short papers in philosophy. We are happy to publish excellent short papers ….” Apparently they are also very happy to publish complete crap.
I sent a short paper to Analysis pointing out the error in Halbach & Zhang’s article, but it was rejected on the basis of a referee’s report. That report demonstrated an alarming lack of any in-depth knowledge by the referee of what he was talking about. Below is a summary of the error in Halbach & Zhang’s article; you can see a copy of the paper that I sent to Analysis and a copy of the referee’s report at A referee’s comments: laughable or depressing?
The assumption of an enumeration within a Language
In defining a formal language, Halbach & Zhang state:
We work in a language [
Halbach and Zhang specifically refer to one single language which includes all the terms that they refer to, including the postulated enumeration function
Halbach & Zhang assert that whenever the free variable
It is worth pointing out here that, besides the obvious claim implicit in the title of their article, Halbach & Zhang specifically assert that their claim relies neither on Gödel numbering nor the diagonal lemma, and moreover, make no mention of a meta-language (Gödel numbering is a function in a meta-language to the language being coded).
A contradiction arises, what a surprise - not !
Halbach & Zhang discover that their system results in a contradiction. That’s not a surprise to me. But the astonishing thing is that Halbach & Zhang think that the contradiction shows something deep and profound, whereas all it shows is their lack of in-depth knowledge of their subject matter. Halbach, along with Albert Visser, has also published two papers Volker Halbach & Albert Visser, PDF Self-reference in Arithmetic 1, PDF Self-reference in Arithmetic 2, Review of Symbolic Logic, 7(4), Part 1: 671-691, Part 2: 692-712 (2014). in the Journal of Symbolic Logic that amount to forty-two pages, and which are supposed to be an authoritative review of self-reference. But throughout the papers Halbach and Visser simply assume that a formal language can self-reference - and even though the papers are meant to be a review of self-reference, there is no attempt at all to prove that such a self-reference can occur in a fully formal language. Unfortunately this is completely typical of the current approach of academic people who like to call themselves “logicians”, where an unprovable assumption has been elevated to a dogmatic mantra that no-one is allowed to question.
Enumeration within a Language?
It is elementary to demonstrate that an enumeration of the formulas of a given language
We assume that there is an enumeration of the formulas of a given language
This conclusion can also be adduced by considering the inverse of Halbach & Zhang’s purported mapping function, as follows:
If it is possible for the predicate
It is obvious that it is the assumption of an enumeration function within the language itself, and the resultant conflation of constant and variable terms, is the source of the contradiction that Halbach & Zhang remark upon in their article. It isn’t at all surprising that a conflation of constant and variable terms results in a contradiction, since the system that Halbach & Zhang have described is a system that is lacking the fundamental requirements of logical systems.
Halbach & Zhang say in their article that they “hope to further our understanding of what the source of the paradox is”, and indicate their total bafflement at what is patently obvious. As demonstrated on the page Yablo’s paradox, it is child’s play to see what the source is. It is no surprise that the source is the same as in many similar paradoxes - the source is a self-reference engendered by vagueness of definition.
What is very surprising is that, while one can presume that referees for the journal Analysis examined Halbach & Zhang’s article, they appear to have simply accepted Halbach & Zhang’s assumptions without subjecting them to even the most basic sort of critical appraisal. But when there is an assumption to the effect that, although something is utilized within a proof it is not actually essential to the proof (such as Halbach & Zhang’s hypothetical function), that assumption should always be viewed with more than a modicum of suspicion.
Note that you can see a copy of the paper that I sent to Analysis and a copy of the referee’s report at A referee’s comments: laughable or depressing?
Other paradoxes
Rationale: Every logical argument must be defined in some language, and every language has limitations. Attempting to construct a logical argument while ignoring how the limitations of language might affect that argument is a bizarre approach. The correct acknowledgment of the interactions of logic and language explains almost all of the paradoxes, and resolves almost all of the contradictions, conundrums, and contentious issues in modern philosophy and mathematics.
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