Part 1 of Cantor’s
Über unendliche lineare Punktmannig-faltigkeiten
(On infinite linear point-sets)
• English Translation •
This is a new (2021) English translation of Part 1 of Cantor’s work Über unendliche lineare Punktmannig-faltigkeiten (On infinite linear point-sets). Also available online are English translations of Part 2, Part 3 and Part 5 (Grundlagen). (Footnote:
Translator’s note: As published by Teubner, Leipzig 1883. This is the first part of a sequence of papers by Cantor coming under the overall title of Über unendliche lineare Punktmannig-faltigkeiten (On infinite linear point-sets), which were published in the Mathematische Annalen between 1879 and 1884:
Part 1. Mathematische Annalen 15, 1879, pp. 1-7
Part 2. Mathematische Annalen 17, 1880, pp. 355-358
Part 3. Mathematische Annalen 20, 1882, pp. 113-121
Part 4. Mathematische Annalen 21, 1883, pp. 51-58
Part 5. (Grundlagen) Mathematische Annalen 21, 1883, pp. 545-591
Part 6. Mathematische Annalen 23, 1884, pp. 453-488
This translation uses a 1984 Springer reprint of the above collection, e-ISBN-13:978-3-7091-9516.1, DOl: 10.1007/978-3-7091-9516-1.)
English translation by James R Meyer, copyright 2021
Notes: This translation uses current terminology if possible where the older terminology might cause confusion for modern readers. The footnotes are Cantor’s, unless indicated by green text and “Translator’s note:”.
On infinite linear point-sets: Part 1 of 6
In a previous article (Footnote:
Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre (A development in the theory of sets), Crelle’s Journal, Vol. 84, pp. 242-258, 1878.
Translator’s note, see an online English translation of that article at A Contribution to the Theory of Sets.)
I have demonstrated that a very wide range of geometrical and arithmetical sets, both continuous and discontinuous, can be unambiguously and completely assigned to a straight line or a discontinuous component of it. We call these sets of points linear point manifolds, or for brevity, linear point-sets. Accordingly, these sets either form a continuous straight line, finite or infinite, or all their points are included in such a line as elements of the set, and as such are of special interest. It should therefore not be an unworthy endeavor if we devote a series of considerations to them; in the following I want to first investigate their classification. Various considerations and the associated classification principles lead us to classify the linear point-sets into certain groups.
To begin with one of these considerations, I recall the concept of the derivative of a given point-set
The derivative
It can happen that the progression of the derivatives
It is easy to see from this that if
Furthermore, important characteristics of a point-set
- The point-set where all points of the interval
[α, β ] are its elements. - The point-set, which consists of all points in the interval
[α, β ] that are rational numbers. - The point-set which consists of all points in the interval
[α, β ] that are rational numbers of the form2n + 1⁄2m (wheren andm are integers).
From this explanation of the expression “everywhere-dense in a given interval” it follows that if a point-set in an interval
Conversely, the question arises as to whether every point-set of the second number-class is such that it can constitute an interval
We now come to a completely different, but no less significant, reason for classifying linear point-sets, namely, their cardinality. In the aforementioned article (Footnote:
Translator’s note: Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre (A development in the theory of sets), Crelle’s Journal, Vol. 84, pp. 242-258, 1878.
Translator’s note, see an online English translation of that article at A Contribution to the Theory of Sets.)
we generally say of any two sets M and N, whether they are geometrical, arithmetical, or given by some other similar well-defined concept, that they have the same cardinal-number if one is able to set them to correspond one to the other according to some specific rule, in such a way that for every element of M there is an element of N and vice versa, for every element of M there is an element of N.
Depending on whether two sets have equal or different cardinal-numbers, they can either be assigned to the one and the same number-class, or to two different number-classes. These general rules just mentioned can now be specifically applied to linear point-sets, and hence such sets can be categorized into specific number-classes. All point-sets of the same number-class all have the same cardinal-number, while point-sets which are assigned to different classes have different cardinal-numbers. Hence any particular point-set can be viewed as representative of the number-class to which it belongs.
First of all, we consider the number-class of countable infinite point-sets, that is, those point-sets which have the same cardinal-number as the sequence of natural numbers
- The point-set which consists of all points of an interval which are rational numbers. (Footnote:
Translator’s note: Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre (A development in the theory of sets), Crelle’s Journal, Vol. 84, p. 250, 1878.
Translator’s note, see an online English translation of that article at A Contribution to the Theory of Sets.) - The point-set which consists of all points of an interval which are algebraic numbers. (Footnote:
Translator’s note, see: Über eine Eigenschaft des Inbegriffs aller reellen algebraischen Zahlen (On a property of the set of all real algebraic numbers), Crelle’s Journal, Vol. 77, p. 258, 1874.
Translator’s note, see an online English translation of that article at On a Property of the Set of all Real Algebraic Numbers.)
Secondly, we consider linear point-sets that are representative of an arbitrary continuous interval, e.g. the set of all points which are
- Every continuous interval
[α, β ] . - Any point-set consisting of several separate, continuous intervals
[α, β ], [α′, β′ ], [α′′, β′′ ], … , either finitely many or infinitely many. - Any point-set which emerges from a continuous interval by removing from it either a finite or a countably infinite point-set
ω1, ω2, …, ωv, … . (Footnote: Translator’s note, see: Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre (A development in the theory of sets), Crelle’s Journal, Vol. 84, p. 254, 1878.
Translator’s note, see an online English translation of that article at A Contribution to the Theory of Sets. )
Whether these two number-classes are the only ones into which linear point-sets fall will not be investigated at this point, but on the other hand we want to show that they really are distinct number-classes. In order to prove this it is necessary to show that any two representatives of these two number-classes (one of each) cannot be made to completely and unambiguously correspond one-to-one to each other.
We choose again the continuous interval
consisting of all real numbers
Translator’s note, see an online English translation of that article at On a Property of the Set of all Real Algebraic Numbers.)
“If one has a simply infinite sequence
of real, unequal numbers, which progresses according to some rule, then in every given interval [
In view of the great interest which is attached to this theorem, not only in the present discussion, but also in many other arithmetical and analytic relationships, it is not unjustified to develop that argument more clearly by the use of some simplifying modifications.
On the basis of the sequence:
which we will denote by the term
I: First we notice that if our set
II: Now assume that the set
Since there are certainly numbers in our sequence:
that are in the interval
Let the smaller of the two numbers
and furthermore by:
it can be observed that all of the numbers
Similarly, if
when it can be seen that all of the numbers
After one has arrived at an interval
and the indices of these numbers are integers, so that:
and therefore:
we can therefore say with certainty, and this is sufficient for the following:
Since the numbers
The same applies to the numbers
It is evident that:
But it is easy to see that the case
Therefore only the case
does not appear in our sequence (
Go to Part 2 Go to Part 3 Go to Part 5 (Grundlagen)
Rationale: Every logical argument must be defined in some language, and every language has limitations. Attempting to construct a logical argument while ignoring how the limitations of language might affect that argument is a bizarre approach. The correct acknowledgment of the interactions of logic and language explains almost all of the paradoxes, and resolves almost all of the contradictions, conundrums, and contentious issues in modern philosophy and mathematics.
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