Gödel’s Substitution Function
Page last updated 16 Feb 2024
A formal system is a language system consisting of an alphabet, a set of axioms that is a set of formal strings composed from that alphabet, and a set of rules of inference that determine what formal strings are valid strings, and a set of rules of inference that determine what strings can be constructed from the axiom strings.
In the incompleteness proof by Kurt Gödel, a proponent of intelligent design (see Statements by Kurt Gödel), one of the principal ideas is his Gödel numbering system. This consists of a function in a meta-language (a language that talks about a sub-language such as the formal system) that defines a correspondence between symbol strings of a formal system and natural numbers.
Infinitely many possible Gödel Numbering Systems
Now, while Gödel chooses one particular Gödel encoding system, there are, in fact infinitely many possible different Gödel numbering encoding systems. Gödel’s numbering system works by matching every symbol of the formal system to some number - and there are infinitely many ways of doing this matching. For example, Gödel’s system matches up the symbols as:
and variables as
One could use another matching, such as:
and variables as
As well as that matching of symbols to numbers, Gödel’s numbering system also matches up each such matching number to consecutively larger prime numbers:
for example, the string:
matches in Gödel’s system to the series of numbers:
and this, in Gödel’s system, gives rise to the number:
but it does not have to be done in that way.
For example, the one could have a system that leaves out every second prime number, giving the series:
so for the above example we would have:
which is a completely different number.
Correspondences defined by a Gödel Numbering System
So what are the correspondences defined by a Gödel numbering system?
A Gödel numbering system defines a correspondence from
symbol strings of the formal system to natural numbers.
This correspondence is given by a function called a Gödel numbering function, and the natural numbers defined by this correspondence are called Gödel numbers. However, to be precise, the numbers that Gödel uses for the correspondence are actually of two types:
- Gödel numbers are those given by the Gödel numbering function on symbol strings of the formal system.
- For variables of the formal system, Gödel uses the exponent of Gödel numbers to correspond to the variables of the formal system - for example, while the Gödel number of a variable might be
217 , Gödel uses the number17 to correspond to the variable of the formal system, rather than217 . For convenience we will call such numbers Gödel variable numbers. It might be noted that while Gödel uses ‘Gödel variable numbers’ for numbers corresponding to variables, he could have used the actual Gödel numbers for variables instead. Presumably the reason he did not was that it would have entailed further complexity in his definitions of various relations.
In Gödel’s proof, various relations of natural numbers are defined, and Gödel asserts that these number-theoretic relations correspond to relationships between symbol strings of the formal system - but that applies only when the natural numbers are defined to be Gödel numbers (or Gödel variable numbers). This is fundamental to the correspondence defined in Gödel’s proof, so we will repeat it in order to emphasize it:
Given a relation between natural numbers, there may be a corresponding relationship between symbol strings of the formal system - but when those natural numbers are not defined to be Gödel numbers of symbol strings of the formal system, nor Gödel variable numbers of variables of the formal system, there cannot be such a corresponding relationship.
Caveats of Gödel numbering
However, there is a drawback to this Gödel numbering: number-theoretic expressions can be generated where there can be numbers which have the characteristic of a Gödel number (in that its prime factors all have exponents that belong to a specific predefined set), but where that generation has absolutely nothing to do with an association to an expression of the formal system. And that is why examining of a number-theoretic expression without taking account of how such numbers were generated may lead to an erroneous conclusion that a number in an expression has an inherent association to an expression of the formal system.
But this difficulty does not apply to a purely number-theoretic expression that contains a purely numerical function where its free variable have been substituted by specific values, and whose output has the characteristic of a Gödel number - in contrast to the same expression but which only contains the numerical value of the function’s output, rather than the function itself. This is because it can immediately be seen that this characteristic of a Gödel number has originated not externally to the system by Gödel numbering, but within the system itself, and hence has no inherent association to some expression of the formal system - in other words, that function is a function of the formal system, not a function of the meta-language, hence it cannot be a Gödel numbering function, nor can it be equivalent to a Gödel numbering function, even though it generates numbers that have the characteristic of a Gödel number in that its prime factors all have exponents that belong to a specific predefined set.
Although this is a fundamental point, Gödel’s proof manages to ignore it, which results in an illogical confusion as will be detailed below.
The ‘Substitution’ Function
Gödel’s ‘substitution’ function (Gödel’s relation 31) which is
Here the exponent
The idea is that, if
- the number
x in the function is a number that is a Gödel number that corresponds to a formal system formula with a free variable, and - the number
17 corresponds to that free variable by the Gödel numbering system (here, for simplicity, we assume that the free variable symbol v only occurs once in the formula), and - if
y is a number that is a Gödel number that corresponds to a formal system symbol string, then the function is said to correspond to the substitution of the free variable of a formula by that symbol string of the formal system. In the above example, this is by the symbol string ‘∀∨∀ ’, since29 · 37 · 59 is the Gödel number (by the Gödel number encoding in Gödel’s paper) of that symbol string.
Note that if the variable is not free in the formula, there will be no substitution, and the function then simply has the value
The Use of the ‘Substitution’ Function in Gödel’s Proof
In Gödel’s proof, after having defined the function
The function
where there are exactly
Consider now the Gödel numbering function, which we will call
where there are exactly
Certainly there is a similarity between the function
When Gödel uses the composite function
But, crucially, for the function
since the free variables of
But the free variable
Really, nothing more needs to be said - Gödel’s illogical assumptions render his proof completely invalid. But we can achieve the same result in different ways, as shown below, just in case the reader might suspect that we have somehow misled them.
The Gödel number of a Gödel number
With the function
But the same does not apply for the third term
But the inner
We can also see this by ensuring that the symbols of the meta-language for numbers are not the same as for the formal system. For example, if the numbers of the meta-language are always in the format 0, 1, 2, 3, …, awhile the numbers in the formal system are in the format
Now, while one could force the formats for numbers to be the same in both systems, that would not somehow magically make the conflation of meta-language and sub-language logically valid. in short, that would be a fudge that should fool no-one. The entire notion of Gödel numbering is that, for every relationship between expressions
In summary, Gödel makes fundamental errors and manages to confuse different systems by his incorrect and illogical assumptions regarding his
Correspondences by Gödel numbering
We can also show that there isn’t even a correspondence through Gödel numbering between the
Now, considering the relation
but it is also the case that:
which would give us that:
Therefore the function
The reason for this is that, on the one hand, there is an implicit claim that the Gödel numbering system is a function that is in a meta-language to two separate language systems, one being number-theoretic relations and the other the formal system. But the definition of the Gödel numbering function itself necessarily uses number-theoretic relations, and in fact part of the definition of the
Example for specific expressions C and D
For example, if
and the
As above, regarding the relation
indicating that
but “
The crucial point here is that an expression such as “
The Use of the ‘Substitution’ Function by Nagel-Newman and Hofstadter
As a point of interest, Nagel-Newman’s book, Gödel’s Proof, PDF E Nagel and J Newman: Gödel’s Proof New York University Press, revised edition, 2001. ISBN: 0814758169. also refers to this substitution function. Nagel-Newman also makes erroneous assumptions in the treatment of that function, but the error in the use of the function is subtly different. See Nagel-Newman for an overview of Nagel-Newman’s book.
Similarly, Douglas Hofstadter also refers to a substitution function in his book, Gödel, Escher, Bach, Douglas Hofstadter. ‘Gödel, Escher, Bach’. Basic Books, 1999, ISBN‑13: 978‑0465026562 Gödel, Escher, Bach - Hofstadter: details. and he also makes erroneous assumptions regarding that function. See Gödel, Escher, Bach for an overview of Hofstadter’s book.
Rationale: Every logical argument must be defined in some language, and every language has limitations. Attempting to construct a logical argument while ignoring how the limitations of language might affect that argument is a bizarre approach. The correct acknowledgment of the interactions of logic and language explains almost all of the paradoxes, and resolves almost all of the contradictions, conundrums, and contentious issues in modern philosophy and mathematics.
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