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Copyright   James R Meyer    2012 - 2024 https://www.jamesrmeyer.com

See also English translation of Cantor’s 1883 Grundlagen (Foundations of a Theory of Sets) and
English translation of Cantor’s 1878 Ein Beitrag … (A Contribution to the Theory of Sets)

“Beiträge zur Begründung der transfiniten Mengenlehre”
(Contributions to The Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers)

• English Translation •

This is a new (2024) English translation of Sections 1 to 6 of Cantor’s 1895 paper “Beiträge zur Begründung der transfiniten Mengenlehre”. In these sections Cantor summarizes the key foundations of his theory of transfinite cardinal numbers. There is an older translation (1915) of the complete papers by Philip Jourdain, viewable online at “Contributions to the Foundations of the Theory Of Transfinite Numbers”, but it is a scanned copy without cross-references, and the terminology is dated, and at one point Jourdain incorrectly translates an unproven proposition as a theorem. This translation uses current terminology wherever possible to make it easier to read for modern readers.


English translation by James R Meyer, copyright 2024 www.jamesrmeyer.com


Note: The footnotes are not Cantor’s, they are provided as additional comments to Cantor’s text.






Contributions to The Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers: First Article
Georg Cantor, 1895



“Hypotheses non lingo.” (Footnote: “I don't state hypotheses.”)


“Neque enim leges intellectui aut rebus damus ad arbitrium nostrum, sed tanquam scribre fideles ab ipsius naturre voce latas et prolatas excipimus et describimus.” (Footnote: “For we do not give laws to the understanding or to things at our discretion, but as faithful scribes we receive and describe those given and promulgated by the voice of nature itself.”)


“Veniet tempus, quo ista qure nunc latent, in lucem dies extrahat et longioris revi diligentia.” (Footnote: “The time will come when these things that are now hidden, that day will bring them to light and to the care of a longer return.”)


§ 1
The Concept of Power or Cardinal Number

By a “set” we understand any collection into a whole M of definite and separate objects m of our intuition or our thought. These objects are called the “elements” of M. We express this symbolically by:

(1) M = {m}

We denote the uniting of multiple sets M, N, P, … , which have no elements in common, into a single set by: (Footnote: Cantor’s original terminology was (M, N, P, …). Here the set union symbol is used with an underline to indicate that the sets are to have no common elements.)

(2) M N P

The elements of this single set are, therefore, the elements of M, N, P, … all taken together.


A set M1 is a “proper subset” of the set M if it is not the same set as M and if all of its elements are also elements of M. If M2 is a proper subset of M1 and M1 is a proper subset of M, then M2 is a proper subset of M.


Every set M has a definite “magnitude” which we will also call its “cardinal number.”

The term “magnitude” of M or “cardinal number” of M will be used to denote the general concept which, by means of our active faculty of thought, emerges from the set M by an abstraction from the nature of its various elements m and of the order in which they are given.

We denote the result of this double act of abstraction, the cardinal-number or magnitude of M, by: (Footnote: This should display with a double overline. If it does not show correctly, a different browser should be tried.)

(3) M

Since every single element m, regardless of its nature, becomes a “unit,” the cardinal number M is a definite set composed entirely of units, and has an existence in our minds as a mental image or projection of the given set M.

We say that two sets M and N are “equivalent” if it is possible to relate them to each other by some rule such that to every element of each one of them corresponds to one and only one element of the other, and we denote this by:

(4) M N or N M

To every proper subset M1 of M there corresponds then a definite equivalent proper subset N1 of N, and the inverse also applies.


If we have a rule for the one-to-one correspondence of two equivalent sets, then, apart from the case when each of them consists only of one element, we can modify this rule in various ways. We can, for example, always ensure that for some specific element m0 of M, a specific element n0 of N corresponds to it. For if by the original rule, the elements m0 and n0 do not correspond to one another, but the element n1 of N corresponds to the element m0 of M, and the element m1 of M corresponds to the element n0 of N, we create the modified rule, by which m0 corresponds to n0 and m1 to n1 and for the other elements the original rule remains unaltered. By this means the desired goal is attained.


Every set is equivalent to itself:

(5) M M

If two sets are equivalent to a third, they are equivalent to one another; that is to say:

(6) if M P and N P, then M N

Of fundamental importance is the assertion that two sets M and N have the same cardinal number if, and only if, they are equivalent, i.e:

(7) if M N then M = N


(8) if M = N then M N

In this way, the equivalence of sets can give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the equality of their cardinal numbers.


In fact, according to the above definition of magnitude, the cardinal number M remains unaltered if in the place of each of one or many or even all elements m of M other things are substituted. If M N, then there exists a rule for the one-to-one correspondence whereby M and N are uniquely and reciprocally related to one another, where each element m of M corresponds an element n of N. We can then imagine, that in place of every element m of M, the corresponding element n of N is substituted, and in this way, M is transformed into N without any alteration of the cardinal number. Therefore:

M = N

The converse of the theorem results from the observation that there is a mutually unique relationship between the elements of M and the individual units of its cardinal number M. For, as we saw, M emerges from M in such a way that every element m of M becomes a specific unit of M. We can therefore say that:

(9) M M

Similarly N N, and if M N then it follows by (6) that M N.


We emphasize the following theorem, which follows immediately from the conception of equivalence.


If M, N, P, … are sets which have no common elements, and the same applies to M′, N′, P′, … , and if

M M′,   N N′,   P P′,   …

then we always have:

M N P …     M′ N′ P′


§ 2:
“Greater” and “Less” for Magnitudes

If two sets M and N with the cardinal numbers 𝔞 = M and 𝔟 = N satisfy both of the conditions:

  1. There is no proper subset of M which is equivalent to N, and
  2. There is a proper subset N1 of N, such that N1 M,

then it is obvious that these conditions still hold if M and N are replaced by two equivalent sets M′ and N′.

Thus the sets give rise to a definite relationship of the cardinal numbers 𝔞 and 𝔟 to one another.

Further, the equivalence of M and N, that is, the equality of 𝔞 and 𝔟, is excluded; for if we had M N, we would have N1 N since N1 M, and then, since M N, there would exist a proper subset M1 of M such that M1 M and also M1 N, and this contradicts the condition (1).


And thirdly, the relationship of 𝔞 to 𝔟 is such that it renders impossible the same relationship of 𝔟 to 𝔞, since if in (1) and (2) the roles of M and N are interchanged, two conditions then arise which are contradictory to the former ones.


We express the relation of 𝔞 to 𝔟, as characterized in (1) and (2) by:

𝔞 is “less” than 𝔟, or 𝔟 is “greater” than 𝔞.

Symbolically we have:

(a) 𝔞 < 𝔟 or 𝔟 < 𝔞

We can easily prove that:

(b) 𝔞 < 𝔟 and 𝔟 < 𝔠, then we always have 𝔞 < 𝔠


Similarly, it follows immediately from the definition that, if P1 is a proper subset of a set P, then 𝔞 < P1 implies that 𝔞 < P, and P < 𝔟 implies that P1 < 𝔟.


We have seen that, of the three relations

𝔞 = 𝔟,   𝔞 < 𝔟,   𝔟 < 𝔞

each one excludes the two others. On the other hand, the theorem that, with any two cardinal numbers 𝔞 and 𝔟, one of those three relations must necessarily be realized, is by no means self-evident and can hardly be proved at this stage.


Not until later, when we shall have gained an overview of the ascending sequence of the transfinite cardinal numbers and an insight into their connection, will the truth of the following theorems be revealed:

Theorem A: If 𝔞 and 𝔟 are any two cardinal numbers, then either 𝔞 = 𝔟 or 𝔞 < 𝔟 or 𝔟 < 𝔞.

From this theorem the following theorems can be derived, although they will not be used at this stage:

Theorem B: If two sets M and N are such that M is equivalent to a proper subset N1 of N and N is equivalent to a proper subset M1 of M, then M and N are equivalent.

Theorem C: If M1 is a proper subset of a set M and M2 is a proper subset of the set M1, and if the sets M and M2 are equivalent, then M1 is equivalent to both M and M2.

Theorem D: For two sets M and N, if N is not equivalent to either M nor to a proper subset of M, then there is a proper subset N1 of N that is equivalent to M.

Theorem E: If two sets M and N are not equivalent, and there is a proper subset N1 of N that is equivalent to M, then there is no proper subset of M that is equivalent to N.


§ 3
The Addition and Multiplication of Magnitudes

The union of two sets M and N was given in Section 1 (2) by M N. We call it the “union” of M and N. If M and N have no common elements, and M′ and N′ are two other sets without common elements, and if M M′ and N N′, we saw that we have:

M N M′ N′.

Hence the cardinal number of M N depends only upon the cardinal numbers M = 𝔞 and N = 𝔟.

This leads to the definition of the sum of 𝔞 and 𝔟 by:

(1) 𝔞 + 𝔟 = M N

Since in the conception of magnitude, we abstract from the order of the elements, we conclude at once that:

(2) 𝔞 + 𝔟 = 𝔟 + 𝔞

and, for any three cardinal numbers 𝔞, 𝔟, 𝔠 we have

(3) 𝔞 + (𝔟 + 𝔠) = (𝔞 + 𝔟) + 𝔠


We now come to multiplication. Any element m of a set M can be considered as being connected to any element n of another set N so as to form a new element (m, n). We denote the set of all possible such pairings (m, n) by (M • N), and we call it the “set of all pairings of M and N”. So: (Footnote: The intention here is that this represents the concept: (M • N) = {(m1, n1), (m1, n2), … , (m2, n1), (m2, n2), … , (m3, n1), (m3, n2), … })

(4) (M • N) = {(m, n)}

We see that the magnitude of (M • N) depends only on the magnitudes M = 𝔞 and N = 𝔟 since if we replace the sets M and N by the equivalent sets:

M′= {m′} and N′={n′}

and if we consider each (m, n) and (m′, n′) as corresponding elements, then the set:

(M′ • N′) = {(m′, n′)}

is thereby brought into a definite one-to-one correspondence to (M • N) by such consideration of each (m, n) and (m′, n′) as corresponding elements. Therefore:

(5) (M′ • N′) (M • N)

We can now define the product 𝔞 • 𝔟 by the equation:

(6) 𝔞 • 𝔟 = (M • N)


A set with the cardinal number 𝔞 • 𝔟 may also be given from two sets M and N with the cardinal numbers 𝔞 and 𝔟 according to the following rule: Start with the set N and replace every element n in it by a set Mn M. If the elements of each of these sets Mn are now combined to make a new set S, we can easily see that: (Footnote: There is an implied intention here that there are no elements common to any two Mn.)

(7) S (M • N)

and hence

S 𝔞 • 𝔟

If, for any one-to-one correspondence of the two equivalent sets M and Mn, we denote by m the element of M which corresponds to the element mn of Mn we have:

(8) S = {mn}

and thus the sets S and (M • N) can be set in a one-to-one correspondence to one another by considering mn and (m, n) as corresponding elements. From our definitions follow these results:

(9) 𝔞 • 𝔟 = 𝔟 • 𝔞 (10) 𝔞 • (𝔟 • 𝔠) = (𝔞 • 𝔟) • 𝔠 (11) 𝔞 • (𝔟 + 𝔠) = 𝔞 • 𝔟 + 𝔞 • 𝔠


(M • N) (N • M)

(M • (N • P)) ((M • N) • P)

(M • (N P)) ((M • N) (M • P))


Hence the addition and multiplication of magnitudes are subject to the commutative, associative, and distributive laws


§ 4
The Exponentiation of Magnitudes

By a “covering of the set N with elements of the set M” or, more simply by a “covering of N with M”, we mean a definition by which a specific element of M is bound to each element n of N , and where that same element of M can be bound repeatedly to each element of N. The element of M bound to n is in a certain sense a one-valued function of n and may be denoted by f (n), and it is called a “covering function of n”. The corresponding covering of N is denoted by f (N). (Footnote: For example, if N = {x, y, z} and M = {0, 1} the coverings of N may be given as: f1(N) = 000, f2(N) = 001, f3(N) = 010, f4(N) = 100, etc, so that the covering of N with M, i.e, the covering of {x, y, z} with {0, 1} is {000, 001, 010, 100, 011, 101, 110, 111}.)


Two coverings f1(N) and f2(N) are said to be equal if, and only if, for all elements n of N the equation

(1) f1(N) = f2(N)

is satisfied, so that if for even one single element n = n0 this equation does not hold, f1(N) and f2(N) are characterized as different coverings of N.


For example, if m0 is a particular element of M, we may define that, for all n’s that:

f (n) = m0

so that this definition constitutes a specific covering of N with M.


Another kind of covering results if m0 and m1 are two different specific elements of M and n0 a specific element of N, by defining that:

f (n0) = m0
f (n) = m1

for all n’s which are different to n0.


The totality of different coverings of N with M forms a definite set with the elements f (n). We call it the “covering-set of N with M” and denote it by (N | M). So we have:

(2) (N | M) = { f (n) }

If M M′ and N N we easily find that:

(3) (N | M) (N′ | M′)

Therefore the cardinal number of (N | M) depends only on the cardinal numbers M = 𝔞 and N = 𝔟, and we can use it for the definition of 𝔞𝔟:

(4) 𝔞𝔟 = (N | M)

For any three sets M, N, P we easily prove the theorems:

(5) ((N | M) • (P | M)) ((N P) | M) (6) ((P | M) • (P | N)) (P | (M • N)) (7) (P | (N | M)) ((P • N) | M)

from which, if we put P = 𝔠, then by (4) and by consideration of the previous Section 3, we have the following theorems for any three cardinal numbers, 𝔞, 𝔟, and 𝔠:

(8) 𝔞𝔟 • 𝔞𝔠 = 𝔞𝔟 + 𝔠 (9) 𝔞𝔟 • 𝔞𝔠 = (𝔞 • 𝔟)𝔠 (10) (𝔞𝔟 )𝔠 = 𝔞𝔟 • 𝔠



The following example shows how comprehensive and far-reaching these simple formulas are when extended to the magnitudes:


If we denote the magnitude of the linear continuum X (that is, the totality X of real numbers x where 0 ≤ x ≤ 1) by 𝔡, we can see that it can be described, among other things, by the formula:

(11) 𝔡 = 20

where in Section 6 below indicates the meaning of 0. In fact, according to (4) above, 0 is nothing other than the magnitude of all the representations:

(12) x  =  f(1) ⁄2 + f(2) ⁄22 + f(3) ⁄23 + … + f(v) ⁄2v + …

of the numbers x in the binary system, where f (v) = 0 or 1. If we consider the fact that every number x is only represented once, with the exception of the numbers x = 2v + 12μ are represented twice over, then if we denote the “enumerable” totality of the latter by {sv }, we have: (Footnote: Note that according to Section 1 (2) this type of union is defined to apply only to sets that have no elements in common, but this is not the case here.)

20 = {sv } X

If we take away from X any “ enumerable” set {tv }, and denote the remainder by X1, we have:

X = {tv } X1 = {t2v -1 } {t2v } X1

X = {sv} X = {sv } {tv } X1

{t2v -1 } {sv } and {t2v} {tv } and X1 X1


X {sv } X

and so by Section 1:

20 = X = 𝔡

From (11) above, by squaring (See Section 6 (6) below), we have:

𝔡 • 𝔡 = 20 • 20 = 20 + ℵ0 = 𝔡

and hence, by continued multiplication by 𝔡 we have:

(13) 𝔡v = 𝔡

where v is any finite cardinal number.


If we raise both sides of (11) to the power of 𝔡 • 𝔡 = 20, we have:

𝔡0 = (20 ) 0 = 20 • ℵ0

But by Section 6 (8) below, since 0 • ℵ0 = ℵ0, we have:

(14) 𝔡0 = 𝔡

The formulas (13) and (14) have no other meaning than the following:

“The v ‑ dimensional as well as the 0 ‑ dimensional continuum have the magnitude of the one-dimensional continuum.”


In this way the entire content of my work in Crelle's Journal, vol.84, page 242, (Footnote: Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre”, 1878, online English translation at A Contribution to the Theory of Sets.) is derived purely algebraically from the basic formulas of the definition of magnitude with these few lines.


§ 5
The Finite Cardinal Numbers

First, we will show how the principles presented, and on which the theory of actually infinite or transfinite cardinal numbers is to be built, also provide the most natural, shortest and most rigorous foundation for the theory of finite numbers.


If we subsume a single object e0 under the concept of a set E0 = {e0 }, the cardinal number corresponds to what we call “one” and we designate it by 1, we have:

(1) 1 = E0

If we now unite E0 with another object e1 and call the union-set E1 so that:

(2) E1 = E0 {e1} = {e0 } {e1}

The cardinal number of E1 is called “two” and is denoted by 2:

(3) 2 = E1

By addition of new elements we obtain the series of sets:

E2 = E1 e1, E3 = E2 e3, …

which give us successively, in an limitless sequence, the rest of what we call the finite cardinal numbers, denoted by 3, 4, 5, … . We justify the use of these numbers here as suffixes by the fact that a number is only used here as a suffix when it has already been defined as a cardinal number. If v - 1 is understood to be the number immediately preceding v in the above series, we have:

(4) v = Ev - 1 (5) Ev = Ev - 1 {ev} = {e0 } {e1} {ev} (6) Ev = Ev - 1 + 1

in other words, every cardinal number except 1, is the sum of the immediately preceding cardinal number and 1. The following three theorems now come to the fore:


Theorem A: The terms of the limitless series of finite cardinal numbers

1, 2, 3, … , v, …

are all different to one another (i.e: the condition of equivalence established in Section 1 is not satisfied between the corresponding sets).


Theorem B: Every one of these numbers v is greater than the preceding numbers and less than the following numbers (Section 2).


Theorem C: There are no cardinal numbers which in magnitude are between two consecutive numbers v and v + 1 (Section 2).


We base the proofs of these theorems on the following two theorems D and E, which will be proven below:

Theorem D: If M is a set such that none of its proper subsets has the same magnitude as M, then the set M {e}, which arises from M by the addition of a single new element, has that same property that none of its proper subsets has the same magnitude as it.


Theorem E: If N is a set with the finite cardinal number v, and N1 is any proper subset of N, the cardinal number of N1 is equal to one of the preceding numbers 1, 2, 3, … , v - 1.


Proof of Theorem D:

Suppose that the set M {e} is equivalent to one of its proper subsets which we will call N. Then two cases are possible, both of which lead to a contradiction:

  1. The set N contains e as element ; let N = M1 {e}; then M1 is a proper subset of M because N is a proper subset of M {e}. As we saw in Section 1, the definition of a one-to-one correspondence between the two equivalent sets M {e} and M1 {e} can be modified so that the element e of the one corresponds to the same element e of the other. Hence, M and M1 are in a one-to-one correspondence to one another. But this contradicts the requirement that M is not equivalent to its proper subset M1.
  2. The proper subset N of M {e} does not contain e as element, so that N is either M or a proper subset of M. In the definition of the one-to-one correspondence between M {e} and N, which is the basis of our supposition, then some element f of N must correspond to the element e of M {e}. Let N = M1 { f }. Then the set M will also be in a one-to-one correspondence with M1. But M1 is a proper subset of N and hence it is also a proper subset of M. So in this case M would also be equivalent to one of its proper subsets, which contradicts the original supposition.


Proof of Theorem E:

We assume the theorem to be true up to a certain v and then prove it for the number v1 + 1 which immediately follows, in the following manner:

We start with the set Ev = {e0 } {e1} {ev} as having the cardinal number v1 + 1. If the theorem is true for this set, its truth for any other set with the same cardinal number v1 + 1 follows at once by Section 1. Let E′ be any proper subset of Ev and we consider the following cases:

  1. E′ does not contain ev as element, then E′ is either Ev - 1 or a proper subset of Ev - 1 and so has as cardinal number either v or one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, … , v1 - 1, because we assumed the theorem to be true for the set Ev - 1 with the cardinal number v.
  2. E′ consists of the single element ev then E′ = 1.
  3. E′ consists of ev and a set E′′ so that E′ = E′′ {ev}. So E′′ is a proper subset of Ev - 1 and therefore, by the supposition, its cardinal number is one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, … , v1 - 1. But now E′ = E′′ + 1, and thus the cardinal number of E′ is one of the numbers 2, 3, … , v.


Proof of Theorem A (The terms of the limitless series of finite cardinal numbers 1, 2, 3, … , v, … are all different to one another):

Every one of the sets which we have denoted by Ev has the property of not being equivalent to any of its proper subsets. If we suppose that this applies up to a certain v, it follows from theorem D that it also applies for the immediately following number v1 + 1. For v = 1, we see at once that the set E1 = {e0 } {e1} is not equivalent to any of its proper subsets, which are {e0 } and {e1}. Consider now any two numbers μ and v of the series 1, 2, 3, … . If μ is earlier in the series and v is later, then Eμ - 1 is a proper subset of Ev - 1. Therefore Eμ - 1 and Ev - 1 are not equivalent, and accordingly their cardinal numbers μ = Eμ - 1 and Ev - 1 are not equal.


Proof of Theorem B (Every one of these numbers v is greater than the preceding numbers and less than the following numbers):

If μ is earlier in the of the series 1, 2, 3, … , and v is later, then μ < v, since both of the two sets M = Eμ - 1 and N = Ev - 1 satisfy the two conditions for M < N as in Section 2. Condition (1) is satisfied because, by theorem E a proper subset of M = Eμ - 1 can only have one of the cardinal numbers 1, 2, 3, … , μ − 1 and therefore, by theorem A it cannot be equivalent to the set N = Ev - 1. Condition (2) is satisfied because M itself is a proper subset of N.


Proof of Theorem C (There are no cardinal numbers which in magnitude are between two consecutive numbers v and v + 1):

Let 𝔞 be a cardinal number which is less than v + 1. By condition (2) of Section 2, there is a proper subset of Ev with the cardinal number 𝔞. By theorem E, a proper subset of Ev can only have one of the cardinal numbers in 1, 2, 3, … , v. Hence 𝔞 is equal to one of the cardinal numbers 1, 2, 3, … , v. By theorem B, none of these is greater than v. Consequently there is no cardinal number 𝔞 which is less than v + 1 and greater than v.


The following theorem is important for what follows:

Theorem F: If K is any set of different finite cardinal numbers, there is one x1 amongst them which is smaller than all the rest, and which therefore the smallest of them all.



The set K either contains the number 1, in which case x1 is the smallest cardinal number in the set and x1 = 1. Otherwise, let J be the set of all those cardinal numbers of our series 1, 2, 3, … which are all smaller than any occurring in K. So, if a number v belongs to J, all numbers less than v also belong to J. But J must have one element v1 such that v1 + 1 and all greater numbers do not belong to J, because otherwise J would contain all finite numbers, but the numbers belonging to K do not occur in J. Hence J is the subset {1, 2, 3, … , v1} and the number v1 + 1 = x1 is necessarily an element of K and smaller than the other numbers in K.


From theorem F we conclude:

Theorem G: Every set K = {x} of different finite cardinal numbers can be brought into the form of a series:

K = x1, x2, x3, …

such that

x1 < x2 < x3


§ 6
The Smallest Transfinite Cardinal Number Aleph-Zero

Sets with finite cardinal numbers are called “finite sets” and all others we will call “transfinite sets”, and their cardinal numbers “transfinite cardinal numbers”. The first example of a transfinite set is given by the totality of finite cardinal numbers v and we call its cardinal number “Aleph-zero”, denoting it by:

(1) 0 = {v}

The fact that 0 is a transfinite number, i.e: not equal to any finite number μ, follows from the simple fact that if a new element e0 is added to the set {v} the resultant union set {v1} e0 is equivalent to the original set {v}. This is because we can think of a reciprocal one-to-one correspondence between them where the element e0 of the first set corresponds the element 1 of the second set , and where the element v of the first set corresponds to the element v + 1 of the other set. We therefore have, according to Section 3:

(2) 0 + 1 = ℵ0

But we showed in Section 5 that μ + 1 is always different to μ and therefore 0 is not equal to any finite number μ, and the number 0 is greater than any finite number μ :

(3) ((ℵ0 > μ))

By Section 3, this follows from the fact that:

  • μ = {1, 2, 3, … , μ}, and
  • no proper subset of the set {1, 2, 3, … , μ} is equivalent to the set {v}, and
  • {1, 2, 3, … , μ} is itself a proper subset of {v}.


On the other hand 0 is the smallest transfinite cardinal number. If 𝔞 is any transfinite cardinal number different to 0 then:

(4) 0 < 𝔞

This result is proved by the following theorems A and B:


Theorem A: Every transfinite set T has proper subsets with the cardinal number 0.



If we have a definition which removes a finite number of elements t1, t2, … , tv - 1 there always remains the possibility of taking away a further element tv. The set {tv } where v denotes any finite cardinal number is a proper subset of T with the cardinal number 0  since from Section 1 we have that {tv } {tv }.


Theorem B: If S is a transfinite set with the cardinal number 0 and S1 is any transfinite proper subset of S, then S = ℵ0.



It is a given that S {v}. Given a rule that defines a one-to-one correspondence between these two sets, then if we denote by sv the element of S which corresponds to the element v of {v}, so that:

S = {sv }

The proper subset S1 of S consists of certain elements sk of S, and the totality of numbers k forms a transfinite proper subset K of the set {v}. By theorem G of Section 5 the set K can be brought into the form of a series:

K = {k v }


kv < kv + 1

and consequently we have:

S1 = {sk v }

Hence it follows that S1 S, and therefore S1 = ℵ0.


From the theorems A and B the above equation (4) follows, if we take account of Section 2.


From equation (2) above we have, by adding 1 to both sides:

0+ 2 = ℵ0 + 1 = ℵ0

and by repeating this we have:

(5) 0 + v = ℵ0

We have also

(6) 0 + ℵ0 = ℵ0

since, by equation Section 3 (1), 0 + ℵ0 is the cardinal number {av} {bv} because

{av} {bv} = ℵ0


Now, obviously, we have:

{v} = {2v − 1} {2v}

{2v − 1} {2v} {av} {bv}

and therefore:

{av} {bv} = {v} = ℵ0


The equation (6) can also be written

0 • 2 = ℵ0

and, by adding 0 repeatedly to both sides, we get:

(7) 0v = v • ℵ0 = ℵ0

We also have that:

(8) 0 • ℵ0 = ℵ0



By Section 3 (4), 0 • ℵ0 = ℵ0 is the cardinal number of the set of pairings:

{( μ, v)}

where μ and v are any finite cardinal numbers which are independent of each other. If also λ represents any finite cardinal number, so that {λ}, {μ}, and {v} are only different notations for the same set of all finite numbers, we need to prove that:

{( μ, v)} {λ}

Let us denote μ + v by ρ, then ρ takes all the numerical values 2, 3, 4, … , and there are in all ρ − 1 elements ( μ, v) for which μ + v = ρ, namely:

(1, ρ − 1), ( 2, ρ − 2 ), … , (ρ − 1, 1)

In this sequence consider first the element (1, 1), for which ρ = 2, put, then the two elements for which ρ = 3, then the three elements for which ρ = 4, and so on. Thus we have all the elements ( μ, v) in a simple series:

(1, 1) ; (1, 2), (2, 1) ; (1, 3),(2, 2), (3, 1) ; (1, 4),(2, 3), …

and we can readily see that the element ( μ, v) comes at the λth place, where

λ = u +  
( μ + ν - 1)( μ + ν - 2)  

where the variable λ takes every numerical value 1, 2, 3, … once. Consequently, by means of equation (9), a one-to-one correspondence exists between the sets {v} and {( μ, v)}.


If both sides of equation (8) are multiplied by 0 we have 03 =  ℵ02 =  ℵ0 and by repeated multiplications by 0 we have for every finite cardinal number v:

(10) 0v =  ℵ0


Theorem A and Theorem E of Section 5 imply the following theorem for finite sets:

Theorem C: Every finite set E is such that it is equivalent to none of its proper subsets.


That theorem stands sharply opposed to the following one for transfinite sets:

Theorem D: Every transfinite set T is such that it has proper subsets T1 which are equivalent to it.



By theorem A of this Section there is a proper subset S ={tv} of T with the cardinal number 0 . Let T = S U so that U is composed of those elements of T that are different to the elements tv . Let S1 = {tv + 1} and T1 = S1 U. Then T1 is a proper subset of T, and is in fact the proper subset that arises out of T if we leave out the single element t1 . Since S S1, then by theorem B of this Section and by the fact that U U, we have by Section 1 that T T1.


In these theorems C and D the essential difference between finite and transfinite sets, to which I referred in Volume 84 (1878) of Crelle’s journal, p. 242, (Footnote: Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre”, 1878, online English translation at A Contribution to the Theory of Sets.) appears in the clearest manner.


After we have introduced the smallest transfinite cardinal number 0 and derived its properties that lie the most readily to hand, the question arises as to how the higher cardinal numbers originate from 0. It will be shown that the transfinite cardinal numbers can be ordered according to their magnitude, and that in this ordering they form a “well-ordered set”, like the finite numbers, but in an extended sense. The next largest cardinal number 1 arises from 0 by a definite rule, and the next largest cardinal number 2 arises from 1 by the same rule.


But even the limitless sequence of cardinal numbers

0, ℵ1, ℵ2, … ℵv

does not exhaust the concept of a transfinite cardinal number. We will demonstrate the existence of a cardinal number which we will denote by ω and which is the next largest after all v . From it comes the next largest ω + 1, in the same way as 1 comes out of 0 , and so on endlessly.


For every transfinite cardinal number 𝔞 there is a next largest number arising out of it according to a uniform rule. But it is also the case that for every limitlessly ascending well-ordered set of transfinite cardinal numbers {𝔞} there is a next largest number that arises uniformly out of that set.


For the rigorous foundation of this matter, discovered in 1882 and set out in the paper Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeits­lehre, in Volume 21 of the Mathematische Annalen, Leipzig, 1883, (Footnote: Pages 545-591 of Volume 21 of Mathematische Annalen, online English Translation at Foundations of a general theory of sets.) we make use of the so-called “ordinal types”, the theory of which we will first need to explain in the following paragraphs.


Translator’s note: This is the end of Section 6, and this is as far through Cantor’s paper that this translation covers


Translator’s notes



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